Unexpected Happened??? Lowest Ever CRS

Nisha Uppal
Feb 14, 2021
What the HECK Happened??? It can`t get #BETTER!
With #LowestEver #CRS of 75 (that means an invitation to almost all #EligibleCandidates), the #CANADIAN Government has reiterated its resolve to achieve its Immigration Target OF 2021. In #Boldest and #Rare move, it has issued 27,342 ITA's to #CEC
What the HECK Happened??? It can`t get #BETTER!
With #LowestEver #CRS of 75 (that means an invitation to almost all #EligibleCandidates), the #CANADIAN Government has reiterated its resolve to achieve its Immigration Target OF 2021. In #Boldest and #Rare move, it has issued 27,342 ITA's to #CEC
More #Unexpected and bold moves to follow... Isn`t this sufficient enough, to go ahead and take the plunge to apply for #CANADIANPermanentResidency??
Check out the Video: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6766678380193611776/
#HisiroticalMoment #Canada #CanadaPR #CanadaImmigration #CanadaSkilledImmigration #CEC #Lowest #CRS #Dream #Explre #Relocate #2ndOpinion #visa