Nisha Uppal
Aug 04, 2021
Canada comes out with the first Express Entry draw for August 2021. It targeted the candidates who had first received the PNP’s.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invited 512 candidates with scores of at least 760. The relatively high score was because Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates automatically get 600 points when they receive their provincial nomination.
In the previous PNP invitation round, 462 Express Entry candidates were invited to apply for permanent residence with scores of at least 734.
IRCC also published a cut-off time for the tie-break rule. This is an administrative requirement, and it does not mean there was any actual tie. Candidates who had the minimum score were only invited if they submitted their Express Entry profile before March 5, 2021.
Since the start of 2021, IRCC has been holding only PNP- and Canadian Experience Class (CEC)- specific Express Entry draws. This has been an effort on IRCC’s part to admit candidates who are already in Canada.
Although PNP candidates are not necessarily in Canada, at least not in the numbers as CEC candidates, it only makes sense for the federal government to keep working with its provincial partners. In Canada, immigration is a shared jurisdiction. Numerous studies have shown immigrants succeed when they are selected on local labour market needs. Both PNP and CEC candidates have shown to have better outcomes in the labour market, on average, than candidates who have never set foot in Canada before getting permanent residency.
Travel restrictions are also less of a concern for outland PNP applicants. This is because Canada opened its border to approved permanent residents on June 21. Also, those invited today could have months ahead of them before they receive their Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), which is the final document needed to before becoming a landed permanent resident in Canada.
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